Mbps is Milionbit pro second (million bits per second)

Kbps is Kilobit pro second (kilobit per second)

bps is bit pro second (bits per second)

Speed ​​unit, bit is bit, usually expressed by b (lower case), which refers to a binary bit, Milionbit=1000Kilobit=1000000bit

So 1Mbps=1000000bps

This is a unit usually used to measure bandwidth and refers to the number of binary bits transmitted per second

Generally, the speed displayed on the software refers to the number of bytes transmitted per second (Byte) is usually represented by B (uppercase)

MB stands for megabytes or megabytes

KB is kilobyte

B is byte

The relationship is 1MB=1024KB=1024*1024B


So 1M bandwidth means 1Mbps=1000Kbps=1000/8KBps=125KBps

Therefore, the download speed of 1M bandwidth generally does not exceed 125KB per second





Full name: Bits Per Second


The unit of data transmission speed such as communication lines. Bits per second. 1bps means that 1 bit of data can be transmitted in 1 second. 1kbps (1 thousand bps) is 1000bps, and 1Mbps (1 megabps) is 1000kbps (1 million bps).


 There are opinions that use 1024 bps as 1 kbps and 1024 kbps as 1 Mbps. There are also opinions that the lowercase letter of "k" is 1000 times, and the uppercase letter of "K" is 1024 times. The usage is still very confusing.


 Originally, as the universal SI unit system "k" "M" and other joint words have the meaning of 1000 powers, IEEE and IEC standardization organizations and other organizations also formally follow these usage. However, due to the initial software and hardware design of the computer, 1024 bits were regarded as 1k bits. As a result, the number of people applying this rule to the data capacity and communication rate increased, resulting in the current chaotic state.


In the world of communication, since the data communication starts to comply with the SI unit system and uses 1000 times, and the communication rate of the modem is also used at the beginning of 75bps, 300bps, 1200bps and other non-two power values, so it is generally considered that 1kbps=1000bps is Proper. Generally speaking, storage capacity such as memory and hard disk is generally used as "1024", and the communication rate is used as "1000", but because it varies depending on the situation, it is necessary to pay attention to which side is used.


 By the way, the maximum speed of an analog modem is 56kbps (downlink. Uplink is 33.6kbps), the maximum speed of ISDN is 128kbps, and the maximum speed of 100BASE-TX Ethernet <<7(2)>> is 100Mbps.




What is Mbps, Kbps, bps, kb, mb and their conversion and differences:


Mbps is Milionbit pro second (million bits per second);


Kbps is Kilobit pro second (kilobit per second);


bps is bit pro second (bits per second);


Speed ​​unit, bit is bit, usually expressed by b (lower case), refers to a binary bit, Milionbit=1000Kilobit=1000000bit;


So 1Mbps=1000000bps;


This is a unit usually used to measure bandwidth and refers to the number of binary digits transmitted per second;


Generally, the speed displayed on the software refers to the number of bytes transmitted per second (Byte) is usually expressed in B (uppercase);


MB stands for megabytes or megabytes;


KB stands for kilobytes;


B is byte;


The relationship is 1MB=1024KB=1024*1024B;




So 1M bandwidth means 1Mbps=1000Kbps=1000/8KBps=125KBps;


Therefore, the download speed of 1M bandwidth generally does not exceed 125KB per second.


2M and 3M bandwidths are 250KBps and 375KBps respectively;


The download speed of 2M and 3M bandwidth will not exceed 250KB and 375KB per second respectively.




Assuming that 10kbps is to be converted, then 10kbps=10000bps=0.01Mpbs.

        The measurement unit K of the data transmission rate has a decimal meaning, but the K for data storage has a binary meaning.

1kbit/s is 1000bit/s, and KB is 1024 bytes. Pay attention to the difference between KB and kbit. In addition, the unit of data transmission rate is bit/s, which is recorded as: bps.

In practical applications, 1kbps=1000bps, 1Mbps=1000,000bps.



Speed ​​rate conversion bandwidth: 128KB/s=128×8(Kb/s)=1024Kb/s=1Mb/s




That is 128KB/s=1Mb/s

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